S i l k s a r t

I am an artist who lives in the moment,
I express how I feel about what I experience.
In very simple terms my art is abstract,

it varies and mutates constantly.

It is a part of me I share with others.
My art allows me to appreciate the things that catch my eye, that move and shake me;
it is a release and an acceptance of the complications of being alive.

To create and discover through art is for me the tool which underlies the flow of life.
It is always a reflection of a moment, always driven from within in an intense burst of energy.
It requires a situation and an ambience; it tires me and leaves me empty but content.

A favourite quote of mine is

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the
comfortable” – Cesar A Cruz.

I am happiest on the coast or in the countryside.

For me the city is too intense in an unnatural way.
Wide vistas, big skies and wild weather are the fuel
that feeds me and the natural stimulant that
reminds me who I am.

" In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away ".
- shing xio